Woburn Youth Soccer AssociationSoccer RulesInformation about WYS divisions and teamsSoccer RulesWYS soccer fieldsAbout the Woburn Youth Soccer AssociationRegistrationInformation for parents of WYS playersInformation for WYS refereesInformation for WYS coachesSoccer information on the webWoburn Youth Soccer 



Travel Coaches





Rules of Play

WYS Rules


Coaches Responsibilities

  • No individual may function as a coach or assistant coach unless duly registered and insured by WYS.
  • All Coaches and Assistant Coaches will be required to fill out a KidSafe Form, and be KidSafe approved before they will be allowed to coach a team.
  • Coaches are responsible for knowing the rules contained in the WYS Handbook.

·         Coaches shall notify the League Age Director if a new Assistant Coach is to be added so that registration and insurance can be processed.

·         Coaches are responsible to make sure each player is accompanied by a parent, guardian or other designated person at the end of each game or practice before one of the coaches can leave the field.

·         Coaches shall comment constructively to their players and maintain a positive attitude toward his/her team, opposing teams and referees. Coaches are also responsible for the conduct of their players, and their spectators.

·         Coaches are responsible that each player plays a minimum of one half of the game.

·         Coaches must adhere to the WYS Zero Tolerance rule. Yelling at or speaking to the referee in a disrespectful manner before, during or after the game is prohibited.

·         Coaches shall report all incidents of player or parental misconduct to their Age Director.

·         Coaches shall warn the offending individual as to the consequences of continued misconduct. In the event that the offending individual persists, the individual involved shall be immediately removed from the field for the remainder of the game.

·         Coaches shall take action to prevent scores from becoming excessive. Repeated incidents by a team will result in disciplinary action.

·         Coaches shall not harass the referee and shall not enter the playing field unless called onto the field by the referee. Protests shall be brought to the Age Director after the game.

  • Coaches whose teams play the first game of the day on a field are responsible for obtaining and setting up the goal nets. Arrive at the field 30 minutes before the start of the game so as to not delay the start of the game. The nets must be set up before play begins. Time may start as scheduled whether or not play actually begins and the game time may be reduced accordingly. Subsequent games should not be delayed.
  • Coaches whose teams play the last game of the day on a field are responsible for removing and returning the goal nets to the equipment shed.
  • Coaches are responsible that each player has a complete uniform throughout the season. Any player not in full uniform will not be allowed to play.
  • Coaches are responsible that all jewelry worn be their players’ is removed; including necklaces, earrings and metal hair fasteners, etc. No player is allowed to use a band-aid or a piece of tape to cover earrings or other visible body piercings. No exceptions.
  • Players are not allowed to play with a cast or metal splint, padded or unpadded.
  • Goalkeepers may wear a soft brimmed hat, but baseball type hats with hard brims are not allowed.
  • The Equipment Director is to be contacted for any uniform concerns such as new players, damaged uniforms, etc.

·         Coaches are responsible to keep track of all balls, cones, equipment bag, medical kits, etc, distributed to them for their team by the Equipment Director. When the coach leaves a team all equipment must be turned in to the Equipment Director.

·         Coaches should have their teams at the field 15 minutes before the start of the game ready to play.

·         Each team in the U10, U12 and U14 Age Groups must use one side of the field for their bench positions, one team on one side of the midfield line and the opposing team on the other side of the midfield line. The parents must remain behind the opposite sideline of the teams until the Referee signals the end of the game. Substitutions must remain in the designated team bench area.

  • Coaches may coach or instruct from the team sideline. They may walk up and down the sideline between the midfield line and the 18 yard-line on their half of the field. Coaches are not allowed to coach or instruct from within the Penalty area or behind the goal line.
  • Each coach is expected to practice their team a reasonable amount of time. Several practices prior to the beginning of a season, and one practice a week is reasonable. It is understood that during weeks of mid-day games that fitting in a practice is difficult. WYS understands that coaches and players have a lot of demands on their time. However, the goal is to have a minimum of 1 practice per week for all teams. If a coach is unable to get assistance from an assistant, parent, guardian, or a any volunteer adult, the coach should notify the Age Director. A solution with the goal of attaining a practice each week will be worked out.
  • Coaches are responsible for finding fields for practices. Practices on fields  3 and 8 are prohibited unless given explicit permission from the Field Director. This is essential in order to continue to improve the condition of the fields and properly host other towns. Age Directors will be notified of any known violations.
  • The coaches shall call the Age Director on the day of the game to report the game results.
  • Coaches are to contact their Age Director for any concerns or issues of any kind.

Questions: E-mail info@woburnyouthsoccer.org
or call 781-935-7480 for more information.

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